Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We interrupt this knitting content...

It's almost Thanksgiving, and preparations are in full swing. Here's the largest loaf of bread I've ever made.

It's difficult to tell from the photo, but trust me, it's huge. I needed extra bread for tomorrow's stuffing, and for some reason I decided it would be more fun to make a large loaf than two smaller ones. The Professor and I will be doing Turkey Day for two. All of our relatives live in different states, and The Professor has too much work to allow us to travel. Still, I'm putting on the full spread. (I may regret this decision later.)

It's so sunny and warm outside that I hardly feel like it's Thanksgiving. Take a look at this.

Most un-Novemberlike. It's going to take me a while to get used to this Texas weather. I've always been a Northern girl, and believe it or not, I miss the blustery skies.

The sock is the only knitting progress I have to report. These will also be for my mom. The yarn is Lisa Souza Sock! in Garnet. I wanted to do some sort of lace pattern with this mostly solid yarn, but I didn't want anything too open. (Mom tends to have cold feet.) The River Rapids pattern from Sockbug fits the bill nicely—not too lacy, but still interesting.

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