Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The Star Wars hat is finished. It just needs blocking. Whether it gets blocked is up in the air, because I sort of hate it. The size is not quite right—too deep and not wide enough. (Gauge swatches lie!) It's all my fault. This is what I get for not knitting it at the same gauge Carolyn did. (I used Knit Picks Telemark, a not-so-lovely yarn. The deep navy bleeds like crazy.) Since I need a hat to give to my nephew, I now have two options: (1) knit another Star Wars hat using a different yarn; or (2) knit a different hat entirely. Option 2 is sounding pretty good right now.

To remind myself that knitting does not, in fact, suck, I knit something I knew would turn out well.

It's an unblocked, rolled up mini Clapotis. The yarn is Fearless Fibers Alpaca/Wool DK in the Navajo colorway. It's fabulous stuff.
While this colorway isn't something I would have bought for myself—it skews a bit pink—I do think it's quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure the intended recipient will be pleased with it.

Yes, I know I'm late to the Clapotis bandwagon, but in my defense, I didn't know how to knit when the pattern came out. A couple of months ago I made a full-sized Clapotis for my mother-in-law. Must get a photo of that one before I wrap it up for Christmas. And, um, I'm about to start on another mini one. At this point I can knit the pattern in my sleep, and since I need to mail all my holiday gifts next week, I can't be too adventurous. (Besides, I get some kind of weird guilty pleasure out of dropping the stitches.)

Maybe I'm odd, but I like the purl side as much as the knit side.

I'll post better photos of the scarf once it's blocked. Life is good again.

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