Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is there more to life than socks?

Presenting the Professor's Hobbit feet in their modeling debut. He struck this pose without any direction from me.

Pattern: Aran Braid Socks
Yarn: Knit Picks Essential Tweed in Flint

Modifications: I knit the socks over 72 stitches. On the leg, I crossed the cables every third row instead of every other row. (Why yes, I am lazy.) Consequently, I crossed the instep cables every sixth row instead of every fourth. Also, I did a standard slip stitch heel flap instead of an eye of partridge flap. While eye of partridge is my favorite heel flap, to my eye it looks a bit feminine. These are man socks, after all.

Knit Picks Essential is certainly nicer than it used to be. It's softer and smoother, anyway. I'm not sure I'm crazy about this tweed, though. It's unsubtle, unrefined. My hope is that the socks will look better after a few washes.

After these gloomy gray socks (and with the gloomy gray weather), I want my next socks to be more colorful.

Lisa Souza Sock! in Gendarme

This is such a high contrast colorway that I think plain stockinette socks are in order. I'm a bit worried about pooling, so it will be interesting to see how this yarn knits up.

As much as I love knitting socks, I am feeling the need for a non-sock project. Right now I'm waffling between a sweater and a lace stole, with the sweater having a slight edge. After all, one of the main reasons I learned to knit was so I could knit my own sweaters, and I haven't made one yet. (This doesn't really count. Neither does this.) It's my one year knitiversary, and still no sweaters! Pathetic.


  1. The Professor's socks look great! I love the cable braid detail. If you were to do this pattern again, what yarn would you use?

  2. Happy Knitiversary!

    The professor's socks are GREAT! I'm thinking of attempting another pair for DH, but he doesn't wear the last pair I made him, so I'm still debating on that.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lisa Souza yarn. I've looked at that colorway many many times myself. I can't wait to see what you end up knitting with it.

  3. Happy knitaversary! I love that LS colorway (and her yarn in general!) :)

  4. ooooh i love that colorway of lisa souza. when i am allowed to buy sock yarn again, i'm definitely getting this one. can't wait to see how your socks knit up!

  5. I saw your Pomatomas socks @ Fearless Fibers. They are gorgeous! It's the first time I've seen a pair that's made me want to knit that pattern. I may have to now. Probably even in the same colorway, in the hope that mine turn out just as delicious. Your Lisa Souz is pretty, I can't wait to try her yarn. That particular color looks similair to the Socks That Rock color I used to make knee highs. Come take a look...
