Still here
Clearly I haven't been feeling much blog love. I'm officially blaming the heat—it just saps all my energy and enthusiasm. When cooler weather finally arrives, I have no idea what my excuse will be.
So. Tour de Fleece ended...a while ago. I'm pleased with what I managed to spin during that time, though. I ended up with 3,050 yards of 3 ply fingering weight spun from just shy of two pounds of wool—seven skeins total. Three skeins were documented in the last post, so here are the other four.

3 ply
542 yards
168 grams

chain ply (Navajo ply)
456 yards
116 grams

3 ply
396 yards
102 grams

3 ply
400 yards
110 grams
And a group shot on the final day:

Sadly, the seventh skein was in the bath and therefore was unavailable for the final photo shoot.
In non-fiber news, the Professor and I brought home a new baby last week. (Well, he brought it home. I just like to pretend I was part of it.)

2009 MINI Cooper (British racing green!)
Could we have found a more obvious way to say, "Yes! We are Anglophiles!"? We traded in the Professor's rusty old Toyota pickup truck for this sweet little thing. I'm not ashamed to admit that we are part of the reason behind the recent headlines that the government's CARS program ("cash for clunkers") had run out of money so quickly (before Congress appropriated more cash, that is). The new car gets 20 mpg better than the old truck, so I don't feel bad at all.
I am, however, slightly jealous of the Professor's new wheels.
I am, however, slightly jealous of the Professor's new wheels.