2009 holiday wrap-up
It seems a little silly to write a holiday wrap-up post in the second week of January, but really, I feel even more sheepish about not posting in nearly two months. So, holiday wrap-up it is.
I was going to boycott holiday knitting this year. Really, I was. Then I knit these for myself.

They were fast. They were adorable. They were perfect for using up handspun. And did I mention fast? Surely I could crank out a few pairs for some special people on my holiday list. It was the first week of December, and I planned to have all my packages in the mail by the 18th. I even had back-up gift ideas in case I couldn't finish all the mitts I wanted to make.
I ended up with four pairs.

(Note that the brown mitts in this photo are not the same ones as the mitts in the first photo.)
All of that mitt knitting meant that I fell behind on the Professor's Christmas socks, though. I didn't actually finish them until the 27th. No matter. I'm pretty sure the Professor is a distant cousin of Ebeneezer Scrooge, so he honestly didn't care when the socks were actually finished.

(Fiber: Crown Mountain Farms Bluefaced Leicester, "Silk Road")

Love, love this colorway! The Professor had asked for brown socks, and I was so surprised that I made him repeat the request. You see, previously whenever I had suggested brown as a possible sock color for him, he had always wrinkled his nose at me. I suppose he took a good look at his sock collection recently, though, and saw that it was overwhelmingly green and blue.
This yarn was the only brown handspun I had in the stash. I think the combination of brown with deep, dusky purple is brilliant. The purple is quite subtle, actually, and it even looks brown in some lights.
The Professor and I enjoyed a relaxing Colorado Christmas with the family in Boulder. I was thrilled to get to experience some real winter weather. As it turned out, though, the DFW area got more than it's yearly share of winter while we were away. Apparently it snowed twice. However, I'm glad we weren't here to experience the general freakout that kind of weather inspires among the natives around here.
Happy 2010, everyone! I'm working on a catch-up post for spinning, too.