Monday, May 17, 2010

A plea to indie dyers

This year I have been trying to curb my fiber purchases somewhat. (It isn't going very well. Thanks for asking!) And while I have managed to reduce the number of discretionary purchases I make, I have been allowing myself to keep up with fiber clubs and spin-alongs. The problem is that all of my favorite dyers are doing clubs or SALs. Hence comes my downfall.

And why are they all doing fiber clubs and SALs? Because people like me are lured by the promise of "exclusive colorways" and "limited availability." Now, I'm a reasonably intelligent person, and I know how marketing works. I also know that there will always be more pretty fiber. But all of this rationality flies out of my head in the face of a new fibery offering. These clever dyers are positively charming the cash out of my pockets.

Of course, I try to justify this behavior to myself by trying to keep up with the clubs/SALs. In other words, I'm trying not to let any of these fibers actually go into my stash. And so far I've been mostly successful in that endeavor. The problem is that now I don't have much time to spin up all those fibers that are already in my (considerable) stash. Sigh. On the other hand, I have been rather productive.


So to the dyeing geniuses behind All Spun Up, Crown Mountain Farms, Into the Whirled, Fat Cat Knits, and Fiber Optic: please, have mercy.


At 5/17/10, 7:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh I so agree with you!!!

At 5/17/10, 7:56 PM, Blogger Angeluna said...

It's a joy to see all of these!

At 5/17/10, 9:18 PM, Blogger Maliase said...

Oh, wow! How beautiful! Your spinning continues to give me something to admire and aspire to.

At 5/18/10, 1:13 AM, Blogger LittleBerry said...

Oh those are beautiful you are making me feel ashamed of not going near my wheel for months now ...

At 5/18/10, 6:40 AM, Blogger Monika said...

I feel somewhat like you, but I couldn't keep up with the spinning, and now I have to put most of my fiber/yarn stash into storage (because of renovations). I'll keep one spinning wheel out though and will most likely spin what's coming in from fiber clubs. But I'm going to NOT renew two of the four I'm in.

Your spun fiber is extremely well spun and looks just so beautiful! You could sell it to fund your fiber club addiction?! :o)))

At 5/19/10, 8:06 AM, Blogger Dave said...

That's hilarious, because I was just thinking the same thing. As much as I love clubs/SALs, they're murder on the stash. I've already dropped one club, and two more will likely not be renewed. (See how I hedge my bets? Likely not? LOL!)

At 5/19/10, 6:15 PM, Blogger peaknits said...

Monica - I think you need to start a petition:) Your yarns are fabulous - I still have the coveted skein I won from your blog some time ago - it's hard to use it, when I like to just pet it in the skein:)

At 5/20/10, 7:58 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Gorgeous yarn - you have been very productive!

At 2/4/11, 3:32 PM, Blogger D. Jean Quarles said...

Wow! What gorgeous threads! LOL. I have the same problem. Dang.

At 6/20/11, 12:07 AM, Blogger Ilix said...

Your yarn is beautiful! Some of those would make a great sweater!

At 1/13/25, 7:05 PM, Anonymous Harold said...

Thank you for writinng this


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