Foiled again
Progress on the Urban Aran has once again come to a screeching halt. This time it's the zipper that's thrown a wrench into the works. I can't find an appropriate zipper locally. That's right, I live in a metropolitan area of over 5 million people, and I can't find the right zipper.
No problem, I'll just order one. That means, however, that I won't be able to take my new sweater with me to New Zealand. We leave next Monday, and even if the new zipper arrived in record time, I still wouldn't have time to install it before we jet off. Sigh. It's already warmed up so much in Texas that I likely won't be wearing this sweater until next winter.
What I'm trying to say in too many words is that there will be no photos of the finished Urban Aran until the end of March. Gah!
All the last minute trip planning has slowed work on my current socks too.

For those who are wondering, the yarn is Knit Picks Essential in Grass, the same yarn I just gave away. These socks should be finished in time for me to wear them on St. Patrick's Day. In New Zealand!